邢唷> 欹9 餜lbjbj煡煡刌flTTT 2T2T2T8jT4濼l VV,V,V,VQQQ藲蜌蜌蜌5挘"$ +FTQ麀VQQQFo,V,V(蝇oooQ*,VT,V藲oQ藲oo;嫊:T硶 ,V V 浪%焮  L2T邐繒 楝0珪寻駧~寻繒ohhROTRONIC HygroClip Digital Input / Output OEM customers that use the HygroClip have the choice of using either the analog humidity and temperature output signals or the digital signal input / output (DIO).Using the digital signal output offers the following benefits:( Higher resolution: this is of special interest when working with temperature in (F. Internally, the HygroClip reads the signals from both the humidity and temperature sensor with 16-bit resolution. A resolution of 0.004%rh and 0.004(C is available with the digital output of the HygroClip. By contrast, the D/A conversion used to generate the analog outputs is limited to a maximum resolution of 11 to 12 bits. (0.025 to 0.05%rh and 0.03 to 0.06(C). ( Simpler processing of the signals provided by the HygroClip regarding humidity computations, data recording, etc. ( No requirement to do an initial calibration of the circuits used to read the HygroClip( Maximum flexibility regarding both the measuring range and the engineering units of the output system.( Generally more reliable communication between the HygroClip and other devices1. General Description of the HygroClipThe ROTRONIC HygroClip is a humidity-temperature probe which plugs into any matching connector from ROTRONIC. The HygroClip has 5 pins (or wires) corresponding to the following:( Supply Voltage (+) : 3.5 to 50 VDC ( Ground (-) : reference for supply voltage and output signals ( Humidity Analog Output (+) ( Temperature Analog Output (+) ( DIO: digital input output 1.1 Internal Subsystems of the HygroClipInternally. the HygroClip is comprised of two main subsystems:( AIRCHIP 2000This ASIC includes the circuitry required to measure the capacitive humidity sensor and the Pt100 RTD and to convert the measurements into digital counts. The ASIC also includes two D/A converters that convert the data from the microcontroller into analog output signals. The ASIC also regulates all supply voltages and generates the reset and clock for the microcontroller.( Microcontroller / EEPROMThe microcontroller uses the counts measured by the ASIC to compute the value of humidity and temperature. Calibration data, linearization and other sensor data are memorized in the EEPROM. The microcontroller sends data both to the DIO pin (digital output signal) and to the ASIC (analog output signal).Two way communication between the HygroClip and an external system (for example, a PC) is used to write data to the EEPROM such as calibration data, serial number, etc.1.2 Operating Modes of the HygroClipThe HygroClip does not require an initialization sequence or 搒end command. About 3 seconds after being powered up, the HygroClip automatically sends the first humidity and temperature data and updates all outputs every 0.66 second (measuring cycle).Essentially, the HygroClip has two operating modes: the send mode (or normal operating mode) and the receive mode.In the send mode, the HygroClip operates as a conventional humidity and temperature probe with two analog outputs and one digital output. Unless other instructions have been received (see recive mode), the data from both the Pt100 RTD temperature sensor and the capacitive humidity sensor are sent during each measuring cycle (0.66 sec) to both the digital and analog outputs.In the receive mode, digital commands can be sent to the HygroClip to the purpose of calibrating the HygroClip or to ask for additional information such as the serial number, calibration date, etc.1.3 The HygroClip One-Wire Digital InterfaceBecause of the limited number of connections available on the HygroClip, all digital communication between the HygroClip and an external system is done with a single DIO pin that is referenced to ground.The main characteristics of the HygroClip communications protocol are as follows:( Bit Definition:The communication protocol differenciates between logical 1 and logical 0 bits based on the amount of time (pulse width) between two successive transitions. Communication is done without grouping the data into bytes. As opposed to this, communication is a single bit stream with a very short pause between each bit.( 2-way Communication Communication is entirely defined by means of time intervals or windows. The HygroClip always assumes the function of master and signals the start of each communication cycle (generally every 0.66 sec.). At the beginning of each communication cycle, the HygroClip goes into the 搑eceive mode and the external system has a defined time window during which it can begin sending a bit stream. If no bit stream is detected within this time window, the HygroClip automatically switches back to the 搒end 搈ode and proceeds with sending the humidity and temperature data.( Transmission SpeedThe pulse and pause times were designed to permit a communication frequency of 1.6 MHz. Data is exchanged at a rate of about 4 to 5 ms per byte. ( Integrity of the Output DataThe protocol makes use of a check sum only for the output of the humidity and temperature data. For all other data, only the number of bits is verified (must be a multiple of 8) and overall verification of data integrity should be done by the external system. 2. Specifications of the Digital Input Output (DIO) 2.1 GeneralThe digital output of the HygroClip (DIO) allows the bi-directional transmission of data (input / output). The electrical connection consists of a single wire plus ground.Data is transmitted by means of a stream of pulses with a nominal height of 3.15 V, referred to ground. The current to and from the DIO should always be with the range of (300(A. Any circuit used to read the DIO ((C) should have a high input impedance. The circuit should also include a pull down resistor to the purpose of defining the voltage of the DIO during the short intervals of time when it is floating (receive mode). The pull down resistor is not required when the receiving circuit uses a transistor inverter to convert the pulse height from 3.15 V to 5.0 V.2.2 Definition of a Data Bit The HygroClip uses a single DIO pin (referred to ground) for sending and receiving digital data. Pulse width is used to generate or read a 1 or a 0 data bit.When inactive, the state of the DIO is a logical 1. The transmission of each individual bit (logical 0 or 1) requires from 400 (s to 540 (s (470 (s nominal). The transmission of each bit begins with a negative transition of the DIO state from a logical 1 to a logical 0. This transition (A) is used as the time origin. Based on the above diagram, nominal times are as follows:tABminimum width of a 1 bit80(stACmaximum width of a 1 bit115(stBCtime window during which a transition is permitted35(stADminimum width of a 0 bit240(stAEmaximum width of a 0 bit325(stDEtime window during which a transition is permitted85(stAFNext 搑eference transition earliest time400(stAFNext 搑eference transition latest time540(stEFminimum duration of the pause145(s2.3 Description of the Communication CycleThe start of each communication cycle is set by the HygroClip. The HygroClip microcontroller begins by generating a 0 bit. The negative transition of this bit (S) is used as the time origin. The 0 bit has a minimum duration of 400(s and a maximum duration of 540(s. After this, the HygroClip marks a pause (I - R) and lets the DIO float (receive mode) during the time window (R - O). This allows an external device to set the logical state of the DIO. Before transmitting the first bit, the external device must set the DIO to a logical 1. In the receive mode, the HygroClip monitors the logical state of the DIO and looks for a negative transition within the time window (R O). ( Case 1: no negative transition is detected within the (R O) window:The HygroClip takes control of the DIO and sets it to a logical 1 after 800(s. After a maximum of 5,500(s, the HygroClip starts sending the humidity and temperature data. At this time, the HygroClip generates a negative transition (A) indicating the beginning of the first bit of the temperature and humidity data stream. Each byte is sent with the least significant bit (LSB) first and the most significant bit (MSB) last. ( Case 2: a negative transition is detected within the (R O) window:As mentioned earlier, the external device sets the DIO to a logical 1. Transmission of the first bit by the external device begins with a negative transition (after 640(s at the earliest and 800(s at the latest). After detecting the negative transition, the HygroClip stays in the 搑eceive mode and takes the incoming bit stream, LSB first and MSB last.If at any time, the HygroClip does not detect a negative transition over a time period of 540(s (maximum duration of a 0 bit), it automatically returns to the send mode.During a 2-way communication, the HygroClip does not automatically send the temperature and humidity data. The data sent by the HygroClip depends on the commands received from the external device. Powering the HygroClip off and on restores normal operation (send mode). 2.4 Tolerance to Distortions in the Transmission LineThe different times mentioned earlier are measured directly at the output of the sender. Logical levels of the DIO are defined as <1/3 and >2/3 of the nominal voltage.Protective circuits in the transmission line as well as signal amplifiers and level adapters can also cause slight changes in the width of the pulses during the transmission of data. The ROTRONIC communication protocol allows the following maximum tolerances regarding the width of a pulse (time elapsed between the negative and positive transitions): -30(s and +15(s.For the HygroClip as well as for any external device communicating with the HygroClip, this means that the following times should be acceptable:HygroClip: tABminimum width of a 1 bit50(stACmaximum width of a 1 bit130(stBCtime window during which a transition is permitted80(stADminimum width of a 0 bit210(stAEmaximum width of a 0 bit340(stDEtime window during which a transition is permitted130(stAFNext 搑eference transition earliest time370(stAFNext 搑eference transition latest time555(stEFminimum duration of the pause100(s External Device:tSIminimum width of the 0 bit370(stSImaximum width of the 0 bit555(stSRearliest start of the bit stream610(stSOlatest start of the bit stream820(s 3. Encoding of the Temperature and Humidity Data 3.1 Structure of the Data StringIn the normal mode, the HygroClip sends every 0.66 second a temperature and humidity data string of constant length to the DIO. The data string is made of 7 bytes (8 bits per byte). For each byte, the least significant bit (LSB) is sent first and the most significant bit (MSB) is sent last. The first 3 bytes are used for temperature, the next 3 bytes for humidity and the last byte is a checksum. The temperature range of the HygroClip is 50..200(C. In order to eliminate the need for transmitting the minus sign in the case of negative temperatures, the digital value of temperature is offset by +50(C and has a range of 0..250(C. The 50(C offset should be subtracted when computing temperature from its digital value.The following table shows the structure of the data string (the symbol ( indicates any hexadecimal value):Byte #Hex ValueDescription10x54ASCII character T20x((Decimal portion of temperature [(C / 256] **)30x((Non decimal portion of temperature [(C]40x46ASCII character F50x((Decimal portion of humidity [%rh / 256] **)60x((Non decimal portion of Humidity [%rh]70x((Checksum The checksum is defined as the sum of the bytes 1 to 6, modulo 256 (the remainder of the division of the value of the sum by the number 256).**) for an explanation, see example below 3.2 Example of a Data StringIn this example, the HygroClip is sending the following binary data string (starting from the left).00101010110001010100010001100010001000000011101011111101As already mentioned, the least significant bit (LSB) of each byte is sent first and the most significant bit (MSB) is sent last. Using the LSB first rule, the binary data sting can be converted as follows, : HexadecimalT(C dec(C wholeF%rh dec%rh wholeChkSum0x540xA30x220x460x040x5C0xBF Decimal841633470492191 The decimal value 84 corresponds to the ASCII character T and the decimal value 70 corresponds to the ASCII character F.The checksum can be verified as follows:(84 + 163 + 34 + 70 + 4 + 92) = 447 mod 256 = 191 (OK) Temperature can be computed as follows:(163 / 256) + 34 50 = -15.637 (CHumidity can be computed as follows:(4 / 256) + 92 = 92.016 %rhNote that the use of 1 byte (8 bits or 256 counts) for the transmission of decimal values provides a resolution of 1 / 256 or 0.004(C or 0.004 %rh. 4. Special ApplicationsThe HygroClip can be calibrated or adjusted, and additional information can be obtained, by sending the appropriate series of commands.Very few OEM applications should require the use of the 2-way communication capability of the HygroClip. 4.1 Items Accessible by 2-way CommunicationRaw A to D counts for the temperature channel (resulting from the resistance value of the Pt100 RTD, the value of the reference resistor and the offset voltage).Raw A to D counts for the humidity channel (a pair of values that are averaged) Read and adjust the data used for converting resistance into temperature (used for calibration).Read and adjust the data used for converting capacitance into humidity (used for calibration)Freeze the analog outputs to a constant value and return the outputs to their normal mode (normal operation is also automatically restored when the HygroClip is powered off and on).Set the digital output value of the temperature channelSet the digital output value of the humidity channelSet or adjust the conversion of digital values into analog signals for the temperature channelSet or adjust the conversion of digital values into analog signals for the humidity channelRead the serial number of the HygroClip, the software version number, the date of the latest calibration. Read the data associated with the nominal characteristic curve of the sensors or the compensation.4.2 Technical Support from RotronicOn request, OEM customers can get from ROTRONIC an example of a simple circuit that converts the digital signal from the HygroClip into the RS232 format for direct use with the serial port of a PC. Customers who wish to make use of the 2-way communication feature of the HygroClip should contact ROTRONIC or their local representative for additional information and support. C51 z廭汷耂 /****the softwire for oem010711 ****/ #include <reg51.h> #include <math.h> #define WREN 6 #define WRDI 4 #define RDSR 5 #define WRSR 1 #define READ0 3 #define READ1 11 #define WRITE0 2 #define WRITE1 10 #define EEPSR 0 #define DEVICE_NUMBER 0x00 //device number #define CRC_CONSTANT 0xa001 /////////////for com #define VER "000000" #define OEM1 " JWSH-WD " #define OEM2 " V1.0 " #define TEM_ZERO_H 0xf0 #define TEM_ZERO_L 0x60 #define TEM_FULL_H 0x17 #define TEM_FULL_L 0x70 #define TEM_HIGH_H 0x11 #define TEM_HIGH_L 0x94 #define TEM_LOW_H 0xfe #define TEM_LOW_L 0x0c/////////for display #define HW_DIS1 " T= 00.0C " #define HW_DIS2 " H= 00.0% " #define ADDR_SETUP "1:Input Comm_addr" #define ADDR_NUM " Comm_addr=000 " #define SAVE_CH_ADDR " Saving....... " #define NO_CHANGE " Not save change "/********* for system ************/ sbit lcdled=P0^7; sbit db7=P0^6; sbit db6=P0^5; sbit db5=P0^4; sbit db4=P0^3; sbit lcde=P0^2; sbit lcdrw=P0^1; sbit lcdrs=P0^0;//sbit alarm=P1^0; //sbit ledrun=P1^1; //sbit dincs1=P1^2; sbit a4051a=P1^3; sbit a4051b=P1^4; sbit a4051c=P1^5; sbit ledrun=P1^6; /* if sipcs1=0 then x25045 run else analog 4051 run*/ sbit kcom=P1^7;sbit dec=P2^7; sbit menu=P2^6; sbit ent=P2^5; sbit add=P2^4; sbit out4=P2^3; sbit out2=P2^2; /*if outcs=0 then output 74hc245 relay data */ sbit out3=P2^1; sbit out1=P2^0;sbit rx=P3^0; sbit tx=P3^1; sbit dd=P3^2; sbit sipin=P3^3; sbit sipclk=P3^4; sbit sipcs1=P3^5; sbit sipout=P3^6; sbit alarm=P3^7;/* for communication */ static unsigned char r_buffer[15]; static unsigned char password,com_addr,com_boud,r_pointer,clear_word; bit break_flag,com_flag,tel_send_flag,com_error_flag,alm_change_flag,relay_flag,com_setup_flag; /*main*/ int tem_value[4],hum_value[4],temvalue,humvalue,tem_high, tem_low,hum_high,hum_low,tem_correct,hum_correct,tem_full, tem_zero,hum_full,hum_zero; unsigned char dd_number[7],relay; bit alm_tem_h,alm_hum_h,alm_tem_l,alm_hum_l; unsigned int com_num,int1=0;static unsigned char lcd_com,lcd_data; static char *dis_lcd; unsigned int crc_result;static unsigned char eep_addr,eep_data; static bit eep_flag; /* if eep_flag=0, write or read low part */ main() { void dog(); void delay(); void timer0(); char i,n; int int1; bit test_flag,out_flag,return_flag=0; P0=0xff; P1=0xff; P2=0xff; P3=0xff; IE=0; IP=0x00; //膲歔2N鉙-N璭:N貧OHQ-N璭恘 SCON=0x70; TMOD=0x21; TH1=0xfd; // TL1=0xfd; PCON=0x10; // pcon.4 is power flag TR1=1; ET1=0; ES=1; break_flag=0; test_flag=0; eep_flag=0; eep_addr=0; out_flag=0; n=0; com_setup_flag=0; for (;;) { // read_eep(); for (;1;) { if (dd==0) break; dog(); } timer0(); delay(); if (!break_flag) {for(i=0;i<7;i++) dd_number[i]=0x00;} else { tem_value[0]=tem_value[1]; tem_value[1]=tem_value[2]; tem_value[2]=tem_value[3]; tem_value[3]=((dd_number[1]*100/256)+dd_number[2]*100-5000); hum_value[0]=hum_value[1]; hum_value[1]=hum_value[2]; hum_value[2]=hum_value[3]; hum_value[3]=((dd_number[4]*100/256)+dd_number[5]*100); n++; if (n>8) {out_flag=1;n=10;} else {out_flag=0;} } if (out_flag) { temvalue=((tem_value[0]+tem_value[1]+tem_value[2]+tem_value[3])/4)+tem_correct; humvalue=((hum_value[0]+hum_value[1]+hum_value[2]+hum_value[3])/4)+hum_correct; dis_input();//dis_input(); if (com_setup_flag) { write_eep(); com_setup_flag=0; } an_th(); out_send(); alarm=~alarm; if (!EA) EA=1; } } } void dog() { sipcs1=0; sipcs1=1; } void delay() { int delay_number; for (delay_number=0;delay_number<30000;delay_number++) dog(); } void timer0() // interrupt 0 { unsigned int number; char i,k; unsigned char m; bit start_flag=0,error_flag; // TMOD=0X01; for (;!start_flag;) // the start of data { TR0=1; for (;!dd;) { dog(); } TR0=0; if (TH0>3) start_flag=1; else start_flag=0; } for (;dd;) dog(); error_flag=0; // recieve data for (k=0;k<7;k++) { for (i=0;i<8;i++) { TH0=0;TL0=0; TR0=1; /* open timer0*/ for (;!dd;) { dog(); } TR0=0; /* close timer0*/ number=(TH0*256+TL0); m>>=1; if ((number<150)&&(number>50)) m+=128; else if ((number>200)&&(number<400)) error_flag=0; else error_flag=1; if (error_flag==1) break; for (;dd;) dog(); } if (!error_flag) dd_number[k]=m; } if (!error_flag) // check data { m=0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) m+=dd_number[i]; if (m==dd_number[6]) {error_flag=0;break_flag=1;} else error_flag=1; } dog(); }Gl韹(ASM噀鯪) z廭汷耂 ORG 0000H LJMP AA ORG 000BH LJMP BSX ORG 0013H LJMP DINT1 ;External-1 ORG 001BH LJMP DT1 ;Timer-1 ******** 歔鰁hV0-N璭 BSX: MOV TH0,#0F8H ;2ms歔鰁 MOV TL0,#0D7H JNB 26H,DDS1 BIT26H/fck(WYt譙0R剉penc CLR EX1 俌済ck(WYt dk鰁亂bk蚑擽Y钀-N璭孴歔鰁hV1-N璭 CLR ET1 LJMP DDSE DDS1: SETB EX1 &TRSb_Y钀-N璭孴歔鰁hV1-N璭 SETB ET1 DDSE: RETI Y钀-N璭 DINT1: JNB 26H,DINT2 BIT 26H/f&T騗蟸_薡6e CLR ET1 sQ頃歔鰁hV1 RETI DINT2: SETB ET1 AQ笅歔鰁hV1-N璭v^KReeQ2EH 2FH 30H -N蹚L堓O MOV A,PSW MOV 2FH,A MOV 30H,R0 JB 27H,DT2 BIT 27H/fpenc_薡6eh譥 =1R0RDT2 INC 56H &TR/}0R&T170uS*21=3.5mS(R薡h譥:N5mS) MOV A,56H CJNE A,#15H,DT11 DT12: CLR TR1 ;俌済騗蟸6e0R gHeR薡h譥MO,R\Pbk歔鰁hV1-N璭,I{卂pencMO剉Y钀-N璭1 gHe峇Sb_歔鰁hV1 CLR ET1 SETB 27H ;npenc6e_薡h譥 MOV 57H,#08H ;擽6e7W[倐penc MOV 58H,#00H ;蜰,{NW[倐,{鰱MO_薡 LJMP DT1E DT11: JNC DT12 LJMP DT1E DT2: CLR TR1 ;騗蟸_薡6epenc,dk鰁-N璭魦fS_MRMOpenc騗蟸 gHe,I{卂 NNMOpenc_薡uY钀-N璭峇Sb_歔鰁hV1-N璭 CLR ET1 ; 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